Volume 5, no 1
Innovative Product and Technology for Retanning of Leather
Carmen GAIDĂU, Lucreţia MIU
INCDTP - Division ICPI, 93 Ion Minulescu St., Bucharest, icpi@icpi.ro
ABSTRACT. We have studied the chemical stability in time of dyeing, retanning and fat liquoring product, the reproducibility of its performances on leathers. The technological versatility of new retanning product has been assessed by performing different kind of leathers, from very soft to firm leathers. The influence on dyeing of different vegetable retanning materials has been assessed by using CIELAB program and spectrophotometer measurements of chromatic characteristics. The main physical-mechanical characteristics of compact manufactured leathers were assessed in comparison with leathers processed with compact agents, available on market and standard values. The new product assures a compact retanning process with important time and water saving. The synergetic effects of new product components have allowed saving chemical materials also. The assessment of ecological impact of compact retanning process has recorded the decreasing of COD and BOD5 of wastewaters.
KEY WORDS: leathers, vegetables materials, CIELAB program spectrophotometer measurement, physical chemical characteristic
Polymer Composites Based on Rubber Powder and Low Density Polyethylene
Maria Daniela ZUGA, Laurenţia ALEXANDRESCU
INCDTP - Division ICPI, 93 Ion Minulescu St., Bucharest, icpi@icpi.ro
ABSTRACT. Polymer composites based on rubber powder obtained from vulcanized rubber scraps and polyolefin’s are some new types of materials with elastomer and plastics characteristics which can be used in a variety of economy fields. Some polymer composites were prepared by introducing rubber powder (elastic filler) into the melted low density polyethylene (LDPE). Two types of rubber powder were used: one prepared from rubber scraps containing a high level of natural rubber and the second one prepared from vulcanized butadiene-styrene rubber compound scraps.
KEY WORDS: polymer composites, rubber powder, elastic filler, LDPE, powder rubber
Implementation of the Quality Management System within the Footwear Manufacture Enterprise
INCDTP - Division ICPI, 93 Ion Minulescu St., Bucharest, icpi@icpi.ro
ABSTRACT. This paper presents the present state in light industry (particularly in leather and footwear sectors) as well as the priority objects which this sector of the Romanian industry is facing having in view integration into the EU, respective, implementation of the Quality Management System.
KEY WORDS: light industry, leather and footwear sectors, implementation of the Quality Management System
Drawing up the Best Variant for Thread Usage Quota
Eugenia ENI, Marina MALCOCI
ABSTRACT. This paper reviews two calculation procedures for thread usage quota by applying the equations available in the Romanian and Russian references, respectively. From the conducted trials both procedures have been shown to be proper for simple seam with two threads. In case of calculation procedure for thread usage in zigzag seam referred to in Russian literature an improvement was proposed.
KEY WORDS: calculation procedures, thread usage quota, simple seam
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