Fees and Subscriptions
Revista de Pielarie Incaltaminte / Leather and Footwear Journal requires
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INCDTP - DIVISION: LEATHER AND FOOTWEAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, 93 Ion Minulescu Street, postal code 031215, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania, Europe.
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Account holder: INCDTP - Division: Leather and Footwear Research Institute; Address of the account holder: 93 Ion Minulescu Street, postal code 031215, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania, Europe
IBAN Code: RO25 RNCB 0074029208380005
Bank code: 300413024
Swift bank address: RNCBROBU; Bank: BCR sector 3 (ROMANIAN COMMERCIAL BANK - SECTOR 3); Bank address: 11 Decebal Blvd., Bl. S14, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania.